On SQLCrossing
By City:
Date | Location | Job title |
Oct 28, 16 | New York City, NY |
SQL Server DBA
International Law Firm Located in Downtown Manhattan has an immediate need for a SQL Server Database Administrator. The SQL DBA is a full time permane... |
Mar 18, 22 | New York City, NY |
IT Specialist (VOIP, Windows Server & Ubuntu, Backup/Recovery, ARCGIS, MS/SQL Server)
HBITS-03-11912 Daily tasks will include: Support and configure installation or testing of local area network (LAN), wide area network (WAN), hubs... |
Apr 23, 22 | New York City, NY |
Software Architect (Planview PPM Pro, Azur DevOps Server, NYCIRB guidelines, Oracle PL/SQL, .Net)
HBITS-03-12014 The duties of the consulting resources would be to plan, create, modify, test and implement code in support of any of the following: ... |